Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Decor

Everyone has their own personal preference on when they want to begin celebrating the Christmas season. My sister and I discussed and agreed that we think it's best to put our decorations up on the first of December. I feel like many people just forget about thanksgiving. Let me rephrase that. Many big corporations drive through the Thanksgiving festivities to get ahead in the materialism of Christmas. Recently my husband has made me see that Christmas is only for a short month ( not even the full month) and for the people who love Christmas, that is way too short for a season that comes once a year.

This year I am giving in a little and started to listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies a day after Thanksgiving. We also wanted to start some traditions for our family such as reading scripture pertaining to Jesus' birth and doing advent. I never heard of advent before and I am so excited to start it. I have been looking on Pinterest for inspiration and attained some ideas to work off of. Most people listed fun activities to do with their families. They are nice, but don't really touch any spiritual aspects. There is one person who listed scripture for each day of advent which is awesome. Somehow I want to put little bit of everything together and tweak it as our kids grow older.
I love the holiday season (when treated correctly) and spending time with family, but most of all it reminds me how much God has blessed me.